Prof. Bernard Foringa z Uniwersytetu w Groningen laureatem Nagrody Nobla w dziedzinie chemii

The Guild congratulates Prof. Ben Feringa, who has worked at the University of Groningen since 1988, for the award of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016, along with Jean-Pierre Sauvage (University of Strasbourg) and Fraser Stoddard (USA). The recipient of many prestigious awards, including the Spinoza Prize and the Lilly European Distinguished Science Award, Prof. Feringa was recognised (with his colleagues) for the breakthrough design and synthesis of ‘molecular machines’. These are light-driven rotating molecules that can deliver drugs to parts of the body with unprecedented levels of accuracy and reach. For more information, see the news article on the University of Groningen web site.
The University of Groningen, founded in 1614, is one of the World’s top 100 universities, distinguished by cross-faculty research strengths in Energy, Healthy Ageing and Sustainable Society. It is one of the Guild’s founding universities.

Data opublikowania: 21.12.2016
Osoba publikująca: Barbara Chmielowska

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